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The Pushing Points Hatchet Collection for MODO 10

The Pushing Points Hatchet Collection for MODO 10

The Pushing Points Hatchet Collection is a MODO KIT consisting of over 100 Python scripts developed to add functionality to MODO 10 and make creating more efficient.

I’ve been using MODO for many years, and it’s my primary creative tool. MODO is an amazingly powerful and flexible 3D modeling, animation, texturing and rendering toolset that offers some of the best creation tools available to artists. However, it’s not perfect.

Over the years, I have found that some tasks require too many clicks or that features that would make my workflow smoother are simply missing. The Hatchet Collection of scripts is my solution to these issues. These tools have personally increased my speed, efficiency and enjoyment in many areas of production, and I’m excited to release this kit to other artists.

I’m not a seasoned programmer; I’m an artist who has taken advantage of the power of Python scripting to create this collection of tools. Let’s be honest… I hack my way (hence the name “Hatchet”) through lines of MODO commands using Python scripting and creative work-arounds. But with that said, these “hacks” have proven to be invaluable when I’m creating.

The Pushing Points Toolkit has also been rolled into the Hatchet Collection. Users of the Pushing Points Toolkit will be excited to experience the updates to over 75% of the tools. Some of these updates include the ability to undo after using the SubD Text and Spin Tubes tools and Non Quads and Six Star Plus are more intelligent.

For more information and video introductions for the tools that make up this collection click here: http://pushingpoints.com/v2/hatchet/

MODO | Modeling a Soccer Ball

MODO | Modeling a Soccer Ball

Interview with CG Masters School of 3D Animation & VFX’s Director of Education and Co-Founder, Nicholas Boughen

Interview with CG Masters School of 3D Animation & VFX’s Director of Education and Co-Founder, Nicholas Boughen