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MODO | LEGO Loader

MODO | LEGO Loader

  Eric Soulvie (a longtime MODO developer) has released a fantastic LEGO file loader for MODO.  The plugin will allow you to load Lego model files complete with colors and decals into MODO for rendering or animation (or just showing your kids).  There's a couple steps that you have to follow - and I outline them in the video.

* download the plug-in


* install LDdraw so you have all the lego .dat files (the little lego brick geometry)


* point MODO to the proper director that contains those bricks

* download a bunch of LEGO files to play with in MODO


About 75 pages of LEGO nerds sharing all kind of model files.


  Here's a few test images rendered in Octane (the VW Bug and Frodo's unfortunate encounter with an alligator in the Dead Marshes) and V-Ray (Darth Maul facing off Quigon in a vat of molton cheese).  And yeah, probably spelled Quigon wrong but that was kind of a dumb name for a Jedi anyway.


MODO | UV Rectangle

MODO | UV Rectangle

MODO | Polygon Bevel: Shift and Inset Random Value Range

MODO | Polygon Bevel: Shift and Inset Random Value Range