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MODO | Free Channel Chimp Touch OSC Layout

MODO | Free Channel Chimp Touch OSC Layout

Channel Chimp for MODO is an amazing kit that lets you control Modo using external input devices including: game controllers, touch screen tablets, smartphones, MIDI, and OSC.

I've been building my own layouts with the TouchOSC Editor from Hexler for the TouchOSC App to use with Channel Chimp and thought the community might be interested in my latest set of layouts.

I spent the weekend using these and have found them to be incredibly useful. I've constructed three pages of layouts mainly focused around tools that are in the Pushing Points Hatchet collection.

Even if you don't plan on using these specific layouts, there might be interest in studying both the TouchOSC Layouts and the Channel Chimp source file. These source files would have been helpful for me when getting started.

To download the source files, click here: Hatchet TouchOSC and Channel Chimp Layouts

To see how the Bevel Segments and Round Level Vertical Faders were set up be sure to watch this quick walk-through.

Polystein Kit | Stoneware - Rivets Nuts & Screws

Polystein Kit | Stoneware - Rivets Nuts & Screws

MODO | Shader Tree Material Mode

MODO | Shader Tree Material Mode