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MODO | Hatchet Collection Free Update

MODO | Hatchet Collection Free Update

Hatchet Collection received another free update with some new tools and some updated tools as well. Some of the new tools include Polygon to Curve Cage, Image to render Size, Ngons, Poly Sink, Shadow Pull and Reduce Bevel. Tools such as Profile Tube, Profile Loop Slice, Profile Bevel and Poly Hatchet have been added to the tool palettes.

Here are a few videos showing some of the new additions:

MODO | Hatchet: Reduce Bevel and Poly Sink

MODO | Hatchet: Image to Render Size

MODO | Shadow Curves

MODO | Pushing Points Polygons to Curve Cage



Customizing the Zbrush Interface

Customizing the Zbrush Interface

MODO | Hatchet: Reduce Bevel and Poly Sink

MODO | Hatchet: Reduce Bevel and Poly Sink