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MOP Booleans | Free Update v1.1

MOP Booleans | Free Update v1.1

I'm very excited to announce that the MOP Booleans kit, after just being released a week ago, has an update that is free to existing customers.

Some updates have been made to the kit under the hood to improve the user's experience, but the main update is the inclusion of additional Boolean operations. There are now 4 Subtract, 4 Union and 4 Intersect operations preconfigured in the assembly and ready to be used.  Use the Map command buttons in the MOP Booleans Tools Palette to take advantage of these new Boolean operations.

Note: Existing users can find the latest version in their Gumroad account. You will need to remove any previous versions of the Kit before installing the latest.

Want to add MOP Booleans to your toolkit? Get it here: MOP Booleans Kit


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