
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Sci-Fi Dropship Modeling

Sci-Fi Dropship Modeling

Foundry has released a tutorial that I recorded as a promotional piece a couple of months ago. Over the 8 part series, I cover a number of modeling techniques and how to go from a rough idea, to a concept and down to a finished model. The videos are available on the Foundry Youtube page and can be found here: Dropship Modeling Tutorial.

If you would like to follow along, I have uploaded the content files to gumroad and you can get them for free here: Dropship Content Files

MODO | Center Pivot Mesh Toolbox

MODO | Center Pivot Mesh Toolbox

The Pushing Points Polystein Kit for MODO 'LITE' version

The Pushing Points Polystein Kit for MODO 'LITE' version