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MODO | Point - Plane Intersection Rig

MODO | Point - Plane Intersection Rig

This tutorial shows how to build a simple rig that tests for an intersection between any point in space and a plane. The rig will test for 3 cases: when the point is above the plane, when the point is intersecting with the plane and when the point is below the plane. Feedback will be provided to the user by changing tested locator color in each of these situations .

The idea behind the tutorial is to introduce a linear algebra math operation very frequently used in computer graphics - vector dot product and demonstrate it via an interactive rig. The tutorial is split into 3 parts.

  • Part 1 presents solution to the problem and introduces vector dot product operation that is the subject of this tutorial.
  • Part 2 implements the solution as an interactive rig in MODO.
  • Part 3 adds extra rigging to provide feedback to the user.
MODO | Topology Symmetry

MODO | Topology Symmetry

MODO | Show Vertices Options

MODO | Show Vertices Options