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MODO 12.1 Released

MODO 12.1 Released

Foundry has released MODO 12.1 . It seems like 12.0 was just released (well, it was just last March) and indeed Foundry is making good on it’s promise of a release every 3-4 months. What goodies did they bring us?

Here’s the list (videos below): A VR layout and more support for advanced shader tree functions in the Advanced Viewport (it’s getting there folks…it’s getting there). We’ve got Driven Actions - this allows you to rig and re-time actions (collections of keyframed channels) - think of it as a big first step towards NLA. Lots of improvements and new features to both the UV tools and Normal tools (smoothing, smoothing groups, etc).  There’s some more cool stuff like the curve particle generator (think of something to create replicas along a curve with a lot of control over the particles along the curve you draw).  There's also (as there is in every update) a slew of Mesh Fusion advancements.  If you haven't use MODO's real-time CC SubD boolean system it's worth the time to check it out.

In general it appears MODO product designer Andy Brown is shaping MODO towards his vision of not just maintaining it’s place as a top asset creation tool - but aggressively trying to expand MODO’s role in that area by focusing improving old tools and adding new ones.

Hey - here’s some videos!

VR Viewport

Driven Actions! Hoo-ray!!

Modeling Modeling Modeling

Mesh Fusion and UV Improvements.

Curve particle generator, Advanced Viewport and some nice texturing additions.

I don't know about you, but it's getting hard to keep up.  We will be covering all these new features and more here on PF.

MODO | Mesh Item Draw Options

MODO | Mesh Item Draw Options

Houdini | HDA | VectorDisplay

Houdini | HDA | VectorDisplay