
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Farrah Rogue | Episode 1

Farrah Rogue | Episode 1

Check out Episode 1 of Farrah Rogue, a cool animated short done by James Guard (Sr. lighting artist at Naughty Dog). James is another artist who has found the time and inspiration to create (and finish!) a complex personal project. Something all of us aspire to do at one time or another.

From James: “100% of the models were done in Modo plus UV work. Honestly, no other package can beat Modo’s modeling. I used Substance Painter for texture work, Maya for animation and rigging and then final render in Redshift for Maya. Comp in Fusion and color/editing Da Vinci Resolve.”

I’ve know James for a while - in fact James did the rigging in this Hammerhead shark scene that is often used to test MODO’s deformation speed (the model was done by the infamous Andy Brown). James is one of those ‘tinkerers’ whose always learning new things and mashing various technologies together in different and interesting ways.  Be on the lookout for an upcoming Live Stream.

Marvelous Designer | Pleats

Marvelous Designer | Pleats

Marvelous Designer | Wind Controller

Marvelous Designer | Wind Controller