Apple ARKit Face Applicator Kit for Modo
Chameleon Workshop has released a kit to apply face tracking data from a compatible iPhone or iPad to your MODO characters.
Check it out on Gumroad:
Applicator Kit for Modo allow you to apply Apple ARKit Face Tracking data from your iPhone or iPad with a TrueDepth camera to your characters in Modo. Apple ARKit Face Tracking enables your iPhone or iPad to track a performer’s head location as well as over 50 unique Blend Shape coefficients (Morph Targets in Modo), all at 60 frames per second. With Applicator Kit for Modo, you can take this data and apply it to your characters in Modo in 4 Easy Steps:
1. Define your mapping file
2. Record your face capture performance
3. Transfer the data to your computer
4. Apply the data to your character