
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Octane Materials Demo Scene

Octane Materials Demo Scene

A lot of MODO people are familiar with the 9 Spheres scene in the MODO content directory. This is that scene translated to Octane with an additional 9 spheres of other materials set up. This is a good scene to deconstruct if you’re interested in Octane Render. There’s a couple nodes (flakes and maybe one other) that require Octane 2021.

9 Spheres Scene Link

MOP Booleans 3.0 is out!

MOP Booleans 3.0 is out!

OTOY Octane 2021 | Compositing Fog and Color Correction

OTOY Octane 2021 | Compositing Fog and Color Correction